Thoughts on Truth from Facebook….

by Kym on November 23, 2009

One of my son’s friends posted this on Facebook. I really felt like it was thought-provoking. What do you think?

“It’s funny how this age of people hates truth, they even kill each other over it, and yet try to search for it every day. Most will never really find it, because deep down inside they hate the truth. They hate truth because it is one-sided, and anything that is truly one-sided calls for morality. Morality in turn scares them, because morality dictates that there is a right and a wrong, and that these principles are universal, and not subjective as they like to delude themselves into believing. This frightens them even more so because they know that they are wrong, and they know this because they know that they hate that first truth.”

I think that he has done some serious thinking about right and wrong and rationalizing morality. I know that I don’t like being confronted with the truth of some of my actions.
Walker and I were talking about lying in regards to the scripture, “Do not lie.” I said that I try to always tell the truth, but then God started working on the lies that I tell myself…OUCH.
I am glad that GRACE abounds!!! And FORGVENESS is FREE for the ASKING!
(If you don’t know what I am talking about, leave a comment, I will be glad to go into God’s plan for Grace and Forgiveness…) I just wanted to post that I think that “teenagers today” do think, do love, do want to do the right thing….sometimes, just like the rest of us!

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Megan November 23, 2009 at 10:08 pm


Amen, sista! Saved by grace alone. (I love that you included "thoughts from a teen" ~ he is so wise!

Have a great Thanksgiving!


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