I Read and Read and Read….

by Kym on February 23, 2012

I am a reader. I have been a reader my whole life.

You know, the kid who takes a book on field trips…

who reads the ingredients on the cereal boxes….

who takes books in the car to go to the grocery store, church, on vacation, to bed, to take a bath….


I have just described several of my kids.

and some of my kids are readers, but not in the same way. They read to figure out HOW to do what they want to do….

they read to build something…

or find out where a movie is playing….

or what all their friends are saying on Facebook…..

You know, both kinds of readers are okay.

While it seems that sometimes we strive for a world of “curl up with a good book and read” kind of people, the people who read as a means to an end are DOING a LOT. And when we try to push them to stop doing to READ, what are we saying to them?

I want my kids to LOVE to read, but more importantly, I want them to be passionate about their life. I want them to love LIFE enough to ENJOY being immersed in the world, not just in books. That is why, for my cereal box reader kind of kids, I have to encourage them to PUT DOWN the books and GO OUT SIDE!

Until we make another trip to the library!

~for some suggestions of books we love, see my Favorite Reads page

What are some good books you love to read?

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Diana March 1, 2012 at 7:47 am

I used to love taking the kids to the library! We would come home with a bag of afternoon quite time! The kids are grown, and it seems I don’t have as much time to read as I used to. What’s up with that?
Love You!


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