Happy Earth Day…

by Kym on April 22, 2009

I find it interesting to dedicate a day to “saving the planet”. I have been thinking about this for a while. I like that people are reminded to take care of their environment, but when I think about the way I was raised, I was taught to do that every day. We didn’t call it Earth Day. We didn’t say that we were environmentally friendly. We didn’t do it because it was cool. It was just the way we did things.
My mom was conservative in the use of products, chemicals and was good to reuse whatever she had to get the most from it.
My dad quietly showed us the beauty in simple things…playing outside, throwing a ball back and forth…and being entertained without tons of useless toys.
My grandmother and grandfather on the farm taught me so much about simple living and being happy with what you had. They found joy each day in being outdoors and loving God’s world.
My other grandmother loved to fish, collected rocks and shells and had the most beautiful roses and iris’ I have seen. She, too, made do with what she had and took care of the world and people around her.
They each did all of these “environmentally friendly” things without an Earth Day. They took care of what they had because they were simply being good stewards of the place where God put them. That is my goal. I want to take care of my little part of the earth, and the people that God has put in my life, and leave this earth knowing I made a small difference because of the life I lead. Today, tomorrow….every day is “Earth Day”. God looked at what He made and was pleased. I think He is pleased to see people caring for His creation each day!
I am reminded of the song, “This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
Have a happy day!

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